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How to Find the Right Alcohol Rehab for Executives

May 5, 2021

It’s not uncommon for clients in professional leadership positions, like you, to want to know how quickly they can get back to work before treatment even begins. You may be looking at the length of a program to get in and get out. Today, let’s talk about a realistic way to look at the duration of an effective treatment program for you and why specifically choosing a alcohol rehab for professionals is very important.

Choosing the right alcohol rehab for executives relies on using criteria to match their treatment needs and preferences for care. High standards of care are in place at licensed facilities with American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) certification and accreditation through CARF. A program staffed by professionals who understand the unique demands of high-profile clients, especially the need for privacy, can stand out from other rehab resources. Any duration in treatment should be seen as a first step in sustaining recovery with continuing care to follow. Alcohol rehab for professionals can also include dual diagnosis treatment for clients with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or other mental health concerns.

If you or a loved one need help, call our admissions team today at 561-270-1753.

Why do I need alcohol rehab for professionals?

As an executive, you’re accustomed to making decisions quickly and effectively so you can reach your goals. In this case, your goal is beginning recovery in a place that delivers the highest standards of care. Those standards are reflected in American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) certification and accreditation through CARF. The CARF accreditation includes Detoxification/Withdrawal Support, Residential Treatment, and Day Treatment.

Effective clinical treatment itself is customized to your needs and your pattern of substance use. For the executive, it should also explore the influences of a high-profile position, public recognition, and standing in the community as part of a prominent family. These can be factors in both drinking and changes in your mental health.

How long is this going to take?

Shortening the distance between goals is a fundamental part of your job as an executive. But, in recovery, it doesn’t mean rushing through steps or skipping any to get back to work faster. It’s natural to want to know when you can go back to work. It’s a significant part of your life. At the same time, the devotion to your treatment program is building a bigger ramp to help you sustain recovery.

Rather than looking at an end date to treatment, it’s helpful to see it as a first step in a longer workflow. Using the time in a program to begin planning the next phases of the workflow can be very valuable. You’re building something brand new. In the same way you devote time and energy to creating new opportunities in your career, you’re doing the same work with your recovery. You can also find ways to integrate work into your healing. It might involve using portions of your day to check in with your colleagues and employees and find ways to contribute to the ongoing mission they’re covering at the moment.

Safe Detox and Alcohol Treatment for Executives

Optimum alcohol treatment for executives offers onsite medical services for two purposes. The first is to provide a safe withdrawal experience for clients. Withdrawal from alcohol at home is a high-risk choice and can come with many complications, even fatal ones. The second purpose is treating and tracking medical conditions while a client is working on their recovery from an alcohol use disorder. Drinking for years can create medical conditions related to the heart, liver, and other vital organs. This service is essential to holistic care for a client in treatment.

Treatment plans for executives with alcohol use disorder are designed to meet the needs of an individual client. They experience individual and group therapy. If diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder, they’ll receive dual diagnosis treatment. They interact with a multidisciplinary team of physicians, psychiatrists, counselors, nutritionists, holistic practitioners, and others. The program is set up to make a client feel safe and protected, with an emphasis on the privacy they need to stay focused on recovery goals without outside distractions.

Focus on the Family

Family support is crucial for sober living after treatment ends. But, there’s no reason to wait to involve loved ones in the process. An emphasis on engaging them early and often is beneficial to both the client and the relationships they may need to repair and restore. For executives, the core group of trusted individuals can reach beyond relatives to include other influencers from their professional life.

Continued Recovery

As you saw earlier, the “workflow” mentioned the importance of planning for the period following residential treatment. These choices don’t have to come one at a time, either. Continuing care can be a multi-faceted plan with different strategies taking place at the same time. Ideally, alcohol rehab for executives will incorporate this future planning into a program early. By being assigned a coordinator as part of admissions, a client can begin discussing their future needs and start forming lasting relationships on Day One. This kind of lead time helps better prepare them to transition from one therapeutic environment to the next and know what options are available.


Headwaters is a well-known care provider offering a range of treatment programs targeting the recovery from substance use, mental health issues, and beyond. Our primary mission is to provide a clear path to a life of healing and restoration. We offer renowned clinical care for addiction and have the compassion and professional expertise to guide you toward lasting sobriety. For information on our programs, call us today: 561-270-1753.

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