Mental Health Disorders


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Mental health disorders occurring with addiction are known as co-occurring disorders (previously called “dual diagnoses.”) These disorders impact an individual’s mental, physical, and spiritual life. At Headwaters, we know that mental health and substance use disorders impact one another and must be treated together. Headwaters provides carefully designed treatment plans that take every aspect of a person’s wellbeing into consideration: body, mind, and spirit.

People Can and Do Recover

At Headwaters, we know that mental health disorders and substance use disorders impact one another and must be treated together. Mental, physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness is central to recovery. Research-based therapies and treatment interventions are effective in treating individuals living with co-occurring diagnoses. The key is receiving personalized, intensive, and integrated treatment. When long-term support and therapeutic interventions are applied to addiction and mental health illnesses, people can recover.

Experiencing Co-occurring Disorders Is Common


Nearly 45% of Americans have been diagnosed with mental and substance use disorders, according to the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. These conditions must be treated simultaneously to achieve sustained recovery.

Co-occurring mental health
disorders include:

  • Adult ADD & ADHD: Many people who struggle with addiction also have adult ADHD. Common symptoms include trouble concentrating, forgetfulness, disorganization, impulsivity, and emotional difficulties.
  • Mood Disorders: Clinical depression and anxiety are primary, debilitating diagnoses. Bipolar disorder and dysthymia are other common examples.
  • Anxiety and Panic Disorders: These include a large spectrum of emotional experiences, from stressful reactions to everyday situations to extreme anxiety. They are common in the disease of addiction and require specialized care.
  • Trauma and PTSD: Men and women suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) precipitated by traumatic experiences. Many have been the victim of some form of verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. Disassociation, anger, depression, anxiety, and insomnia are some common PTSD symptoms.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: Obsessive-compulsive mental health disorders are chronic but common. They feature uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions), which individuals feel a relentless urge to repeat.
  • Personality Disorders: Borderline personality disorders (BPD), histrionic, and narcissistic disorders are common. Other examples are paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, and dependent personality disorders.
  • Process Addictions: Sex, disordered eating, shopping, and gambling often co-occur with a substance use disorder and may exacerbate one another.
Headwaters Jupiter

Treatment you can trust.


Headwaters is part of a comprehensive care model that offers over 40 years of experience treating people with addiction and mental health disorders. With the right help, we know that people with mental health illnesses can and do recover.

Integrated Treatment Is the Key to Addressing Addiction

Addiction is complex. It does not have a singular cause. However, mental health disorders may contribute to the chances of developing a substance use disorder. Everyone is different. Sometimes, mental health symptoms are not apparent until after addiction has taken hold, when they are exacerbated. An aftercare plan will address continuing mental health treatment and care options.

Co-occurring Disorder Treatment

Co-occurring disorders are most effectively treated by expertly trained professionals through multi-disciplinary, medically intensive, and integrated programming. Headwaters’ treatment teams attend not only to the physical and mental needs of our clients but also their psychological and spiritual needs. Our highly trained medical professionals, licensed therapists, and psychiatrists meet daily to discuss cases and collaborate on solutions.

Integrated Treatment is Critical to Success

Comprehensive programming offers the necessary therapeutic resources to help the individual heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. A comprehensive treatment plan should include:

  • Evidence-based therapies
  • Medical care with appropriate medications
  • Psychiatric services and ongoing care
  • Case management
  • Spiritual care services
  • Family education and programming
  • Life skills training
  • 12-Step and spiritual support
  • Continuing care planning

Continuing Care for the Whole Family

Addiction and mental health disorders require lifelong support. Our team of continuing care specialists works alongside clients and families to develop continuing care plans that lead to long-term success. These recommendations may include:

  • Ongoing therapy
  • Intensive outpatient services
  • Scheduled appointments with psychiatrists and medical doctors
  • Medication management
  • Wellness recommendations
  • Transitional living
  • 12-Step programming and fellowship
  • Alumni services

Our licensed marriage and family therapists also work with family members to set up mental health treatment options and continuing care plans that support family healing.

Headwaters Center for Brain Recovery

Co-occurring mental health disorders often influence and exacerbate each other. Our Headwaters Center for Brain Recovery (CBR) addresses brain health with targeted, evidence-based therapies. Headwaters CBR services acknowledge the connection between addiction and mental health. We then provide evidence-based treatment that addresses both concerns at once, offering our clients a better chance at long-lasting recovery.

At Headwaters, thorough behavioral health assessments are utilized to ensure substance use disorders and mental health disorders are diagnosed and treated effectively. We also offer rigorous psychological testing through Headwaters CBR such as:

  • Personality Inventory for DSM-5—Brief Form (PID-5-BF)
  • Central Nervous System Vital Signs (CNS VS)
  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
  • Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI)
  • PsychEval Personality Questionnaire (PEPQ)

The thorough assessment conducted through Headwaters CBR provides a backbone for customized treatment plans that meet the unique needs of every client.

Headwaters Jupiter

Contact Headwaters

Headwaters is dedicated to helping our clients with mental health disorders achieve lifelong, sustainable, and complete recovery. We believe that sobriety is possible for everyone, especially through an evidence-based understanding of the disease of addiction and through therapies that restore mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Our Headwaters Center for Brain Recovery provides precisely the type of proven, effective, cutting-edge care that enacts real, lasting change for our clients by helping them lead healthier, more confident, and more purposeful lives.

Relief begins today. Contact an Admissions Specialist at 561.270.1753 to get started.

Address: 933 45th Street,
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

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