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What is an Intervention, and How They Work?

May 15, 2022

If someone you care about is struggling with addiction, you may be wondering if an intervention is the right step to take. An intervention can be an effective way to get someone the help they need, but it’s essential to do it correctly. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about staging an intervention. We’ll discuss what interventions are, how to determine if one is needed, and the steps involved in planning and carrying out an intervention. We’ll also provide tips for dealing with common challenges that can arise during an intervention.

What is an intervention?

An intervention is a carefully planned meeting that brings together family and friends of someone who is struggling with a substance use disorder. The goal of an intervention is to get the person to agree to seek treatment for their addiction. Interventionists are professionals who help to guide the meeting and offer support to the family members.

If you or a loved one need help, call our admissions team today at 561-270-1753.

Interventions can be used for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, or people with process addictions such as gambling or sex. 

The intervention process begins with gathering information about the person who is addicted. This includes understanding their drug or alcohol use and their personal history and family dynamics. The interventionist will also meet with the family members to help them prepare for the meeting.

When is an intervention needed?

There are several signs that an intervention may be needed. For example, if you notice that someone is regularly using drugs or alcohol, neglecting their responsibilities, or putting themselves in dangerous situations, it may be time to intervene.

If you’re not sure if an intervention is the right step to take, you can talk to a therapist or addiction specialist for advice. They can help you determine if a substance use disorder is causing problems in the person’s life and whether an intervention would be beneficial.

The steps involved in staging an intervention.

If you decide that an intervention is needed, there are several steps involved in staging it correctly.

The first step is to gather everyone who will participate in the intervention. This should include the person’s family and close friends and any professionals involved in their care (such as therapists or addiction specialists).

Once you have everyone assembled, it’s time to start planning the intervention. This includes deciding on a location, date, and time for the meeting. You’ll also need to develop a list of talking points that everyone will be using during the intervention.

It’s important to remember that an intervention is not a confrontation. Instead, the goal is to get the person to agree to seek treatment, not to make them feel guilty or ashamed. Be respectful and understanding, and remember that this is a difficult time for the person too.

On the day of the intervention, everyone should arrive on time and be prepared to discuss why they’re concerned about the person’s substance use disorder. The person struggling with addiction should also be allowed to speak openly and honestly.

If the person agrees to seek treatment, make sure they get to treatment as soon as possible and offer your support throughout the process.

Common challenges during an intervention.

The intervention itself is typically a very emotional meeting. Family members often feel angry, frustrated, and helpless when it comes to their loved one’s addiction. The interventionist will help guide the discussion and keep it focused on getting the person to agree to seek treatment.

The most common challenge is resistance from the person struggling with addiction. They may be defensive or unwilling to seek treatment, which can make the intervention difficult.

Another challenge is getting everyone on the same page. It’s essential for everyone taking part in the intervention to be on the same page and to have the same goals in mind.

Finally, it’s important to remember that an intervention is not a one-time event. The person who is struggling with addiction will need ongoing support once they’ve agreed to seek treatment.

If the person agrees to seek treatment, the interventionist will help them find the right program. If they do not decide to seek treatment, the interventionist will help the family develop a treatment plan. 

Interventions can be very successful in helping people get the treatment they need for their substance use disorder. So, if you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, please reach out for help. There is hope, and recovery is possible.

Headwaters is a well-known care provider offering a range of treatment programs targeting the recovery from substance use, mental health issues, and beyond. Our primary mission is to provide a clear path to a life of healing and restoration. We offer renowned clinical care for addiction and have the compassion and professional expertise to guide you toward lasting sobriety. For information on our programs, call us today: 561-270-1753.

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